Thursday, December 9, 2010


"Everybody wanna be a Photographer n a Blogger" am I!!!hehehehehehehe
Kinda fun actually writing a Blog coz i can express my feelings and bla bla bla...My family thinks I`m a huge spoilt i give a S@#T....haha...3 things i can`t live without are Family,Friends and MUSIC(my big black piano)hehehe!!!

When i was in high school I never give a S@#T about education coz too busy listening to music n watching tv like all the time...YES I`m a spolit brat...*wink*.. I started taking piano lessons at the age of 19 now i`m 2_...cannot say...Never had a job...lepak jerrrr..I decided to have my own blog since I realised that I`ve been wasting my precious time doing NOTHING..."Doing nothing when you know you should be doing something important"...

I got a job interview today,thanx to my good friend ermm lets call her "BABE"(bukan nama sebenar)..Jangan xdapat je sudah...Hmmmmm....I gotta pay my piano exam fee 300myr so kalau dapat kerja xpayah la minta "sponsor"...haha..I love being the youngest in the family coz I always dapat "sponsor" if I wanna buy something or  whatever laaa...But after this no longer the "baby" coz my brother ermmm lets call him "GK" (bukan nama sebenar) is getting married in 3 weeks so ada new "BABY" la pulakkkk...haishhhhhh

Well thats all for now....wish me luck aitee.....xoxo

Come What May!!!!


  1. Hey there, as what the people say, it's never too late to learn something new.

  2. Hello again, yurp,, fully agree...



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