Saturday, March 19, 2011


I remember when I was in High School ,I was the only person who didnt know A thing 
about having a relationship with a guy because I was too busy being a kid..haha
But, when I was 15 there was a guy who is interested in having a relationship with me,
and I was like "r u serious?" I am nothing but a loser and I dun have the "look",
u know the "lawa" I said to a friend of my mine,
"I rasa dia gila la coz sapa yang suka kat I mesti dia kurang siuman"..haha
After a few days, the guy refused to be rejected, so I said
"fine,we are officially dating"hahaha...

At that time I have no idea how to communicate with a guy especially at the age of 15
mana la tau kan pasal lovey dovey stuff ni..aiyaaaa. So we both just talk about school,
since we`re the same age at that time, talk about school pun boleh la asalkan
ada jugak la something to talk about. And then after a few weeks
I was like "okay WTH am i doing?" this puppy love has got to stop...
So I end it, I dumped him..Kesian dia..sorry k... 
At that time I rasa I tak sesuai dengan dia because I`m a very boring person
plus I`m not aloud to go out with a guy, ye la masa tu 15yrs old so Mama 
memang la terlebih "care" sikit. So I decided to end it la coz
I know he deserved a better person than me.
Lagi pun masa tu budak2 lagi so mama kata tak payah la  "dating2" ni..haha

Sampai la hari ini at the age of 22 I am still single, *creepy*...
Bukan la kerana I dumped that guy dulu I kena 'karma" ker aper, bukan..bukan.
Cuma I`m not ready in having any relationship with someone YET coz I just wanna live my life.
I still believe I`m a just a Kid! A total loser and a freak..haha
One day la kot kalau ada prince charming send me a crystal shoe than I`ll marry him..LOL
Its hard being the youngest / "the baby" in the family coz kakak dan abang2ku amatlah
terlebih "care", every time keluar with frenz, I will get at least 10 messages or if 
I didnt pick up the phone, 10 missed calls..fiuhhh..creepy right?!! i know.
So single pun okay la asalkan happy..kuikuikuikuikuikuikui

When Mama was around, she always treat me like a child,
mungkin juga character I yang masih "childish" ini adalah disebabkan oleh 
Mama yang selalu anggap wearing heels makes me look older but 
ballet shoes is more like it..hehe..I remember masa kecik2 dulu
tiap kali nak beli kasut raya Mama mesti pilih a Black Ballet Shoes..
I dunno why, but every year mesti beli, sampai harini kotak2 kasut yang banyak 
in my room tu mostly ballet shoes..hehehe..lucu jugak la kalau pikir2 balik childhood I..=)
Thanx to Mama for making me believe that I am still a Kid until now.
Love You Mom.

My point is having a relationship is not mandatory or wateverr
its just part of our life. If u`re single, that does not mean u`re a loser.
 But It would be nice if u can share it with someone special rite?
I know I know..
so just be cool, don`t rush into things that u`re gonna regret 1day.
And just enjoy being  Daddy`s Little Girl!!hehehe

Live A Happy Life!


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